Posts tagged ‘movie night’




Join us for FREE Movie Night! April 22nd at The Free Methodist Church the Westport Film Society will be screening the first film George Clooney directed. Based on a true story of a nation terrorized by its own government. One man dared to tell the truth!

This movie, written by George Clooney and Grant Heslov, portrays the conflict between veteran radio and television journalist Edward R. Murrow and U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy.

Light refreshments. Discussion led by film lover Paul Millar.

Event date :
April 22nd, 2016 @ 6:30 p.m

Event place :
at The Free Methodist Church
Westport, ON

Contact :
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Movie Night at the Lions Beach House

black and white moviesCome out and enjoy two great black and white ole’ movies. B movies with surprises and fun for the whole family.


Light Refreshments!

When: 10-29-2015 6:20 PM

Where: Lions Beach House

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