Posts tagged ‘Delta Mill Society’


Saturday, December 5 – CHILDREN’S GINGERBREAD DAY – hosted by the Delta Mill Society at the Old Town Hall from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Children accompanied by their parents are welcome to come and do some gift shopping and have fun decorating gingerbread cookies – supplies provided at no charge and hot dogs and pop will be for sale for $2:00. While the kids are having fun their parents can enjoy a hot drink of cider or coffee while enjoying Christmas decor and music and browsing the Christmas Gift Shop and used book sale. For more info contact

Children Gingerbread Day

The Delta Mill Society 2015 BREAD BAKING CONTEST

The Delta Mill Society 2015 BREAD BAKING CONTESTThe Delta Mill Society
Saturday, October 3, 2015



Mark October 3 on your calendar and come to Delta and enjoy the first annual Delta Harvest Festival. There will be lots of things going on – fun for the whole family starting with a Harvest Breakfast at 8:00 am.

A contest using Old Stone Mill Red Fife or Rye flour to see who can produce the best loaf of bread in several categories. Entries will be judged at our First Annual Delta Harvest Festival on October 3 – the winner’s names will go down in Delta history!!

Bread Baking Contest:

10 Categories: B1 to B5 are adult categories and J1 to J5 are junior categories for youth 15 years of age or under.

All loaves must use some portion of Old Stone Mill (OSM) Flour (see categories)

Prizes: 1st, 2nd, 3rd place for each category. Loaves will be judged on appearance, texture and taste.

Category B1/J1 – Whole Wheat (using 100% OSM Whole Wheat flour) – any method, free form or pan.

Category B2/J2 – Whole Wheat (minimum 60% OSM Whole Wheat flour) – hand made*, baked in a pan.

Category B3/J3 – Whole Wheat (minimum 60% OSM Whole Wheat flour) – bread machine.

Category B4/J4 – Rye (minimum 40% OSM Rye flour) – hand made*, free form or pan.

Category B5/J5 – Artisan, any kind (minimum 50% OSM flour) – hand made*, free form loaf.

* A stand mixer with a dough hook may be used to mix and knead the dough.


Old Stone Mill Flour must be used (as specified for each category) – cost is $5 per bag if the flour is to be used for the contest. The flour can be purchased at the Mill or contact 613-928-2584 to arrange for a pick-up.

The empty Old Stone Mill Flour bag must accompany the bread.

Entry must be a full loaf wrapped in plastic.

The full recipe used must accompany the bread. Winners agree that The Delta Mill Society may publish their recipe (website, newsletter, etc.). Recipe credit will of course be given to the baker.

Please bring your bread to the Old Town Hall before 10 a.m. on Sat. Oct. 3rd. Judging will start at 10:00 am.

Contest is open to everyone other than those tasting and judging.

Enter any or all of the Categories – please fill out a separate entry form for each loaf.

For more info please contact or call 613-928-2796.

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