Posts tagged ‘Canada Day Fireworks’

Canada Day 2015

изтеглен файлThis year Canada Day falls on a Wednesday, so come to the village of Westport for a small town style celebration of our nation.

The Canada Day celebrations in Westport this year are going to be amazing!

Don’t miss out on any of the activities we’ve got planned for you:

11:00 am – 02:00 pm: hot dogs and live music at the locks

03:00 pm: Bike Parade begins at the Rideau District Museum.

04:00 pm: celebration, music, children’s activities and Fireworks to follow at the Westport Lion’s Beach Club.

06:00 pm: parade and fireworks in Newboro.

Financial support provided by Celebrate Canada/ Canadian Heritage.

Canada Day Fireworks

ID-10074641We’re celebrating Canada Day this year on June 28 as well as July 1st. Enjoy a spectacular fireworks display and local sights as you sit and watch the fireworks explode overhead. The BIG RIDEAU LAKE ASSOCIATION will present the CANADA DAY FIREWORKS from Cow Island at dusk near Portland.

View by water or land (Hanna Park on Water Street in Portland is an excellent spot to see this wonderful celebration!) Rain Date June 29th (Donations appreciated). Check their web site for complete details

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