Delta Harvest Festival in Westport Ontario


Mark October 1 on your calendar and come to Delta and enjoy the annual Delta Harvest Festival. There will be lots of things going on – fun for the whole family starting with a Harvest Breakfast at 8:00 am.

This will be followed by all sorts of activities in the Old Town Hall, the Old Stone Mill, the Fairgrounds and other spots in Delta with food vendors, a car and motorcycle show, music by The Run of the Mill, led by Judy Longstreet, blacksmithing demonstrations, milling demonstrations, a bread baking contest and more. Come to Delta and celebrate the harvest.

Lunch will be a BBQ Octoberfest Sausage at the Fairgrounds or BBQed Hot Dogs at the Mill.

The Fire Hall Museum will be open, Lower Beverley Lake Park will host wagon rides through the Park and village plus will be holding a 25 per cent sale on camping rates. At the fair grounds the Delta Agricultural Society will be hosting a vendor sale and a car show.

End the day by enjoying the Harvest Festival Dance which will take place in the Agricultural Society Hall from 8 pm to 1 am.



Date :

October 1st, 2016 at 8 am


Event location :

At the Old Town Hall (8 Lower Beverley Lake Park Road)

At the Old Stone Mill (46 King Street)

At the Delta Fair Grounds (110 Mill Creek Drive)

At the Fire Hall Museum (121 Mill Creek Drive)

At Lower Beverley Lake Park (146 Lower Beverley Lake Park Road)


Contact :

The Full program is available here :

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